7 months into the pandemic and everyone would have different views on work from home, We have put together statistics to do the talking and save you from personal preferences and biases.  Popularity of the work from home set up already yield 99% of people choosing to work from home and here are the top 4 reasons why:

1) Safety First

As worldwide numbers steadily increases, now counting 4761 cases per 1M people (as of October 10). People are putting more premium for self and their family’s safety.  As most families adapted having their parentals in their homes, considered as high risk, more than 50% of the workforce voted for the option to work from home. Other than flattening the curve, safety is truly the #1 motivation to stay and work within the safe confines of their abode.

2) Productivity and Performance 

Studies shows that both productivity and performance only improved for the better with work from home staff removing the distractions from the office environment. Stanford reported performance increased by 13%, while productivity improved by at least 77%, with lesser office distractions and focus on getting most of the situation, work has not performed better done remotely.

3) Employee Retention

Work from home has very low attrition rates, low absenteeism to almost 0%, low utilization of vacation and personal time as employees find more work and life balance being addressed in the work from home set up. Employees also feel empowered and trusted to know that they have the option to either work onsite or remotely.

4) Resiliency

Whatever waves hit us, we now know that work from home is a viable option, hybrid or not, as long as we have the right technology and the platform to properly communicate; we will have the ability to work, whenever, wherever and conduct business without any disruptions with tweaks and adjustments. Big tech companies collectively have 1.3M employees working from home and are in no rush to get back to the office.

Time is more precious than gold, this is what we always say, we can’t buy time back.  With work from home eliminating commute, this represents 30% of the employee expenditures, based on $$ and time consumption. The time spent for commuting was re-allocated to eating, sleeping or being with family.  On the employer side, facilities, rentals, and supplies amongst other things are minimized or eliminated, helping with huge cost avoidance that converts back into the company’s P&L.

The numbers tell the story! 

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